Wednesday, October 22, 2008

$35.00 Therapeutic Tune-Ups

For Immediate Release

Jane O’Brien, MSPT
North Tahoe Physical Therapy

North Tahoe Physical Therapy Announces $35 Therapeutic Tune-ups as a Cost Effective Way to Treat Minor Aches, Pains and Strains

Incline Village, Nevada August 1, 2007
Therapeutic Tune- ups are a low cost way to treat minor aches or pains before they become more severe. There is no insurance involved which means that the client does not need to see the MD first for a prescription before they can get treatment from a Physical Therapist. This saves not only time but money. Direct access means that the client can simply walk in or call for an appointment time with the PT and get treated, often on the same day.
Therapeutic Tune-ups are appropriate for someone who twisted an ankle on a hike, someone who awoke with a kink in their neck, or someone who strained their shoulder playing with their children. These would be the people who think, “If I could just have someone rub my neck or treat my shoulder today, then the problem can be nipped in the bud before it gets bad.” NTPT provides Therapeutic tune-ups Monday-Friday 8-5:30 for $35.
“Many people either do not have insurance benefits or they have a very high deductible. Thus, Physical Therapy can be cost prohibitive”, said Jane O’Brien, MSPT, owner and director of North Tahoe Physical Therapy. “We have created a service which allows for a client to receive a 15 minute treatment for minor aches, pains, and strains for a very cost-effective price. “ Our Therapeutic Tune-ups serve 2 purposes: one is to enable a client to receive treatment shortly after they recognize the need. “Often, a shorter wait between injury and treatment means a quicker recovery,” said O’Brien. The second purpose is to recognize an injury that requires more intense medical attention and direct the client in the appropriate direction. For example (x-rays, physician, etc). For additional information on Therapeutic Tune-ups, contact North Tahoe Physical Therapy at 775-831-6600 or visit our web site

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